Body Positivity vs. Body Neutrality: Which One Is Right for You?

Body Positivity vs. Body Neutrality: Which One Is Right for You?

Having a healthy connection with our looks is more crucial than ever in a society when social media and advertising constantly bombard us with pictures of supposedly ideal bodies. This article delves into the concepts of body positivity and body neutrality, examining their origins, principles, advantages, and drawbacks. Additionally, we will discuss how to determine which approach best suits your individual needs, drawing on insights from research articles such as The Mental Health Benefits of Practicing Body Neutrality and What’s the Difference Between Body Positivity and Body Neutrality?.

What is body image?

Body image encompasses an individual's perceptions and feelings about their physical appearance. It encompasses not just how we see ourselves, but also our preconceptions about how others perceive us. A positive body image is essential for mental health since it promotes our self-esteem, confidence, and overall happiness in life.

What are the different types of body image?

Body image typically falls into two categories: positive and negative. A positive body image is marked by a person feeling content and at ease with their appearance. In contrast, a negative body image involves dissatisfaction, embarrassment, or anxiety about one's body. Both body positivity and body neutrality aim to foster healthier body images.

Body positivity

The roots of body positivity

Body positivity has evolved through time after first emerging in the 1960s alongside the fat acceptance and civil rights movements. Now, regardless of size, shape, or aptitude, it promotes self-love, admiration, and acceptance for all body kinds. The trend has grown in prominence in recent years, with many celebrities and influencers campaigning for body acceptance on social media platforms.

Key tenets of body positivity

The core principles of body positivity revolve around celebrating body diversity, challenging societal beauty standards, and promoting self-love and acceptance. The movement encourages individuals to embrace their bodies as they are, without striving for unattainable perfection. It also seeks to create a more inclusive and accepting environment that empowers everyone to feel confident and valued.

Benefits of body positivity

A healthier relationship with food and exercise as well as a lower risk of developing eating disorders are just a few advantages of body positivity. By fostering a more positive and accepting attitude towards our bodies, the movement can also help combat negative self-talk and promote overall mental well-being.

Drawbacks of body positivity

Despite its many benefits, body positivity has faced criticism for potentially promoting unhealthy habits or complacency in the pursuit of better health. Some argue that it can inadvertently encourage the normalization of obesity, which is associated with various health risks.

Body neutrality

History of body neutrality

Body neutrality emerged as a response to some of the criticisms of body positivity. It seeks to provide an alternative approach that focuses on accepting and respecting one's body without necessarily loving or celebrating it. The concept has gained popularity in recent years as more people seek a balanced and pragmatic approach to body image, with research highlighting its potential mental health benefits.

Key tenets of body neutrality

The main principles of body neutrality involve recognizing that our bodies are simply vessels for our experiences and that their value is not tied to appearance. The movement urges people to put more emphasis on their skills, successes, and personal development than their physical beauty and to divorce their sense of value from it. According to a New York Times article, body neutrality can even change the way we approach exercise, shifting the focus from appearance-based goals to functional, performance-based objectives.

Benefits of body neutrality

Body neutrality can assist people in gaining a more balanced perspective on their bodies, enabling them to put their wellbeing and personal development above worries about how they look without being overcome by such issues. Research suggests that body neutrality can lead to a more positive body image, as it offers a more attainable and realistic goal compared to body positivity, especially for those who struggle with embracing their bodies.

Drawbacks of body neutrality

Critics argue that body neutrality can sometimes lead to complacency or a lack of motivation for self-improvement. However, supporters contend that by emphasizing overall wellbeing as opposed to merely physical attractiveness, it enables a healthy relationship with one's body.

Which approach is right for you?

Factors to consider when choosing an approach

When deciding between body positivity and body neutrality, it's essential to consider your personal experiences, beliefs, and goals. Think about how your present self-perception, relationship with your body, and how these things impact your mental health. Some people may find body positivity empowering and liberating, while others might resonate more with the balanced approach of body neutrality, as explained by the Cleveland Clinic.

How to find what works for you

Experimenting with both approaches can help you determine which one aligns best with your values and needs. Try incorporating elements of body positivity, such as celebrating body diversity and challenging societal beauty standards. Alternatively, explore body neutrality by focusing on your abilities and accomplishments rather than your appearance. Finding a strategy that promotes your mental health and a better relationship with your body is ultimately the key.


Body image is a crucial aspect of mental health and self-esteem. While both body positivity and body neutrality offer valuable perspectives on how to cultivate a healthier relationship with our bodies, the right approach ultimately depends on individual preferences, values, and goals. You can decide which path is ideal for you by taking into account the history, fundamental beliefs, advantages, and disadvantages of each strategy, as well as information from numerous study sources.


Q: What is the main difference between body positivity and body neutrality?

A: Body positivity focuses on celebrating and loving our bodies as they are, while body neutrality emphasizes accepting and respecting our bodies without necessarily loving or celebrating them.

Q: Can I practice both body positivity and body neutrality?

A: Yes, you can incorporate elements of both approaches to create a unique and personalized perspective on body image that works best for you.

Q: How can I support others in cultivating a healthier body image?

A: Be mindful of the language you use when discussing bodies, encourage body diversity, and create an inclusive and accepting environment. Additionally, share resources and engage in conversations that promote body positivity or body neutrality.

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